Category: Blogs

Obama on foreign policy

‘Within the White House, Obama would argue that “dropping bombs on someone to prove that you’re willing to drop bombs on someone is just about the worst reason to use force.”’

Obituary: MMRCA

This piece contains long sentences & might offend those without a sense of humor, Colonel Blimps on TV news, children, patent applicants and other cartoons. Reader discretion is advised.

Discount sale on at Qatar Airways

The middle-eastern airline has launched a three-day discount sale on tickets for trips to over 100 destinations for the next six months, starting midnight of September 04, 2012, local time, everywhere.

India’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve – when to tap the barrel?

India, which imports nearly 80 percent of its crude consumption, is in the process of creating its own strategic petroleum reserve to cater to potential supply disruptions. But this reserve will require good judgment of India’s leadership for its proper administration and must not become a tool for populism during election year, argues Rajeev Lala.

The Threat in your Pant (Pocket)

These devices that are being passed off as phones aren’t phones at all. A phone used to be a mix of a speaker, a microphone, a dialer, and an antenna or wire to connect to a network. That’s it. Today’s handheld devices are computers, and very powerful ones at that.

The Age of Stuxnet

The world changed forever in 2010 and the jet age is firmly behind us. As we explore this brave new world, we will, in the interests of informing each other, reach into bits of the Internet that are perhaps best left alone. This is old-fashioned reporting combined with internet-age opinion, with a few glances thrown at a crystal ball, now and then.