Russia to make armour-piercing tank ammo in India
| Indo-Russian JV also completes delivery of 35,000 AK203 rifles to India

Mango APFSDS rounds | Photo: Rosoboronexport

Mango APFSDS rounds | Photo: Rosoboronexport

Russia’s weapons export agency Rosoboronexport has announced that is has set up ‘manufacturing of 3VBM17 Mango Armour-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding-Sabot (APFSDS) rounds in India.’

Rosoboronexport said in a statement that ‘the Mango rounds include the 3BM42 APFSDS projectile capable of engaging modern tanks fitted with composite armour’ and are ‘designed to be fired from the guns of T-72 and T-90 MBTs (Main Battle Tanks),’ pointing out that ‘various versions of these combat vehicles are in service with the Indian Army.’

The statement quoted Sergey Chemezov, Director General of Rostec State Corporation of which Rosoboronexport and Kalashnikov are subsidiaries, as saying, “Rostec has extensive experience in industrial partnership with friendly countries. Many projects include technology transfer and exchange of competencies. Such a partnership allows the importing country to develop its production capacity – this is a competitive edge of Rostec as a leading supplier of defence solutions. We have implemented several such projects in partnership with India. These include licensed production of T-90 tanks, Mango APFSDS projectiles and other weapon systems. To achieve the highest degree of localization of the production of Mango projectiles it is planned to launch manufacturing of powders on the territory of India.”

Alexander Mikheev, Director General of Rosoboronexport said in the statement, “Another important stage of Russian-Indian cooperation that complies with the requirements of Make in India and Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan (Self-Reliant India) programs has been completed. On the premises of the Indian defence holding, Rosoboronexport has prepared key manufacturing facilities for production of Mango tank rounds. This enables the Indian side to start mastering the technology transferred to it and launch manufacturing.”

AK203 rifle | Photo: Rosoboronexport

AK203 rifle | Photo: Rosoboronexport

Rosoboronexport also announced that its joint venture in India, Indo-Russian Rifles Private Limited ‘has produced and transferred 35,000 Kalashnikov AK203 assault rifles to the Indian Ministry of Defence.’

Chemezov said in the statement, “Today, India is the first foreign customer to produce the “two hundredth” series of Kalashnikov assault rifles. Production has been deployed in India in full compliance with the Make in India and Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan (Self-Reliant India) programs. The project includes technology transfer, and its concept includes 100% localization of AK203 production. Such programs are one of the trends in the modern arms market and Russia’s competitive advantage as a reliable supplier of the best defence solutions,” with the statement adding that ‘The AK203s are manufactured in India in compliance with exclusive Russian technologies on certified equipment’ ensuring ‘high product quality and compliance with the stated characteristics.’

The statement said ‘the Kalashnikov AK203 assault rifle is a version of the AK200 rifle chambered for the 7.62×39mm cartridge used in the Indian Army’ and ‘has the traditional advantages of Kalashnikov assault rifles: reliability and ease of maintenance.’

Mikheev said in the statement, “The Indo-Russian Rifles Private Limited joint venture, co-founded by Rosoboronexport on the Russian side, has completed the first phase of the project to produce AK203 Kalashnikov assault rifles in India. To increase the degree of localization, all necessary equipment has been shipped to the Korwa Ordnance Factory in Amethi, Uttar Pradesh state, and production facilities are now fully equipped. This made it possible to produce and deliver a batch of 35,000 Kalashnikov assault rifles to the Indian Army within the time-frame agreed with the Ministry of Defence of India.”

Mikheev called the two projects a ‘vivid example’ of ‘fruitful cooperation between our countries in the defence sector’ and ‘a comprehensive industrial partnership within which joint projects for all services of the armed forces have been implemented, with a degree of cooperation between the enterprises of the two countries that is unique in the world market.’

The announcements on the production of Mango armour-piercing tank ammunition and delivery of AK203 rifles come as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi begins his visit to Russia for the 22nd India-Russia Annual Summit, which will take place after a gap of three years.

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