Tag: ILA

Germany to order 20 Eurofighter aircraft

05 June 2024, Brandenburg, Schoenefeld: Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz speaks during the opening tour of the International Aerospace Exhibition (ILA) on the grounds of Berlin Brandenburg Airport (BER) | Photo: Sebastian Christoph Gollnow/dpa

Scholz said he was “strongly in favour of maintaining and expanding production capacities. That is why we will order 20 more Eurofighters in this legislative period, in addition to the 38 aircraft that are currently still in the pipeline.”

Airbus unveils new loyal wingman concept

Concept art of the new Wingman introduced by Airbus at International Aerospace Exhibition ILA in Berlin | Image: Airbus Defence and Space

According to Airbus, ‘In military aviation, a Wingman is a pilot in another aircraft that protects and supports the flight lead, delivers more tactical options and thus contributes to mission success. In the Airbus concept, the Wingman is going to operate very much in the same way – only that it is neither a pilot nor a fighter jet flown by one. It is a fighter-type drone that will be commanded by a pilot in a current combat aircraft such as the Eurofighter and can take on high-risk mission tasks that would pose a bigger threat to manned-only aircraft.’