StratPost recently got a chance to visit the INS Cankarso, a Car Nicobar-class Water Jet Fast Attack Craft. Built by Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers [GRSE], the vessel was commissioned in June last year.
The Indian government will soon decide on penal action against an Israeli defense company blacklisted in connection with a graft case filed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) against a former Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) chief, the Indian Upper House of Parliament, the Rajya Sabha was informed Wednesday.
The Indian Navy commissioned the first of two fleet tankers built by the Italian ship-builder Fincantieri on Friday. The INS Deepak (Lamp) was commissioned at the Naval Dockyard in Mumbai by the Indian Defense Minister Arackaparambil Kurian Antony.
The arms company has contradicted the basis of the CAG audit, saying it signed a Memorandum of Understanding on offsets and collaborated production with the Ordnance Factory Board.
The CAG submitted a report to Parliament last week, that testifies to the acts of omission and commission, based on incompetence, lack of foresight or mala fide intent, that led to the recommendation for the blacklisting of Singapore Technologies, arising from the issue of the supply of carbines to paramilitary forces.
The Indian Army has issued a Request For Information (RFI) for towed artillery guns, effectively canceling the previous process for procurement of these weapons systems, in which BAE Systems was fielding the FH77 B05 against Singapore Technologies (ST) Kinetics’ iFH 2000.