‘Within the White House, Obama would argue that “dropping bombs on someone to prove that you’re willing to drop bombs on someone is just about the worst reason to use force.”’
India, which imports nearly 80 percent of its crude consumption, is in the process of creating its own strategic petroleum reserve to cater to potential supply disruptions. But this reserve will require good judgment of India’s leadership for its proper administration and must not become a tool for populism during election year, argues Rajeev Lala.
Slamming Pakistan for maintaining ties with “unsavory characters”, President Barack Obama has asked its key ally to stop hedging its bets in Afghanistan and adopt a peaceful approach towards India.
Former Afghan president Burhanuddin Rabbani was killed Tuesday evening in a suicide blast at his house in Kabul. He was meeting a group of Taliban insurgents when the explosion was triggered, Xinhua reported, quoting an unnamed source from Rabbani’s office.
US President Barack Obama cited the Libyan government’s ‘continued violation of human rights, brutalization of its people and outrageous threats’.
US President Barack Obama has asked Pakistan to treat Raymond Davis, who allegedly shot dead two men in Lahore, as a diplomat and release him.
Top US companies like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, GE-Hitachi and Westinghouse are among 24 businesses in the business mission to India led by US Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, who accompanied President Barack Obama to India in November last year.
The amount of USD 4.1 billion ‘more closely represents the case value in its current state and that figure only includes the options India is actually considering’, according to a US Government source.
President Barack Obama has placed the cape of a world power on India and held out the promise of global leadership, complete with matching veto.
India is going to be disappointed with President Barack Obama’s visit beginning Saturday after next. The upside of this is that the Indo-US relationship has come a long way in so short a time as to engender expectations that could induce performance anxiety.
US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Bill Burns and Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Robert O. Blake are leading a delegation to India in advance of President Barack Obama’s expected visit to India.
The Indian Defense Secretary on Wednesday dismissed the possibility of India planning the acquisition of a fifth generation fighter aircraft, alternate to the Russian PAK FA.