The Indian Navy has extended the deadline for submission of responses to the Project-75(I) submarine RFI to October 16th.
The Defense Acquisitions Council of the Ministry of Defense has accepted the necessity for procuring nine Medium Range Maritime Reconnaissance (MRMR) aircraft for the Indian Navy. The Acceptance of Necessity (AON) this week came after the evaluation of data provided by vendors in response to the Request for Information (RFI) issued almost exactly a year…
The US offer of information on the F-35 to India in a report made to the country’s Senate Armed Services Committee comes curiously on the eve of the opening of the commercial bids of the IAF’s MMRCA competition.
US Pentagon: “Should India indicate interest in the JSF, the United States would be prepared to provide information on the JSF and its requirements (infrastructure, security, etc.) to support India’s future planning.” Also read inside: Reality Check: US F-35 offer report
The Indian Navy has issued a Request For Information for a second batch of Multi-Role Helicopters, even with the existing tender process for 16 helicopters still under way. Unlike the earlier tender, the new RFI is also taking Life Cycle Cost into consideration as part of the assessment process.
The Indian Army has issued a Request For Information (RFI) for towed artillery guns, effectively canceling the previous process for procurement of these weapons systems, in which BAE Systems was fielding the FH77 B05 against Singapore Technologies (ST) Kinetics’ iFH 2000.
The Indian Army has issued a Request for Information (RFI) for Man Portable Air Defense (MANPAD) Very Short Range Air Defense (VSHORAD) missile systems.