Indian security officials had earlier refused to render any assessment on the sincerity of the Pakistan Army’s operations against the Taliban. But over the past few days, senior security officers at Raisina Hill and elsewhere have dismissed the operations as a ‘fraud on the world’.
Tag: Taliban
India sees changed campaign with new US commander
•The change in command of US forces in Afghanistan is been seen by Indian observers as the possible beginning of a smarter strategy in dealing with the Taliban.
Pak nukes worry India
•The speculation over US plans for securing Pakistan’s nuclear weapons, in the event of their capture by the Taliban, has not gone unnoticed by the strategic community in India. “India is obviously the most natural and most achievable target for them,” says one brasshat.
Pakistan Army COIN tactics counter-productive
•Recent reports have indicated the army to be using heavy firepower indiscriminately, resulting in the destruction of entire communities and the creation of what could become a major refugee problem. This could also result in the Taliban gaining more support and adherents from the communities facing the brunt of the army offensive.
Pakistan nightmare scenario: India without options
•The scenario envisages the eventuality of the collapse of the Pakistan state with the country being overrun by Taliban, throwing-up private armies of feudal warlords, with the possibility of some getting access to nuclear weapons. The Indian security establishment sees itself bereft of options in case of a Pakistani nightmare scenario coming to fruition.
Army expects rise in violence in Jammu and Kashmir
•Army sources think the upsurge is the result of a number of factors coming together. “The receding winter, melting snows, opening of passes, the upcoming general elections and the increase in the influence of the Taliban in Pakistan are why this is happening, said the officer, who added, “Pakistan may also take this as an opportunity to divert attention from itself.” Ironically, the 12-15 feet of snow covering the LoC has made it easy for militants to cross the fence as they can simply walk over it.
Should Swat valley surrender worry India?
•The recent capitulation by the Pakistan government in the face of Islamist elements in the Swat valley has had led to worried talk of a hardline Islamist eastward creep towards India’s western borders. StratPost finds out if India really has something to worry about.