Tag: XIV Corps

Daily | 03 July 2020

Prime Minister Modi visits troops in forward areas in Ladakh, India’s defence ministry approves the purchase of new missiles and fighter aircraft, Japan has changed its laws to secure information shared with friendly militaries and Nepal’s prime minister might have his fate decided on Saturday.

Daily Podcast | 02 July 2020

Progress is scarce on a resolution to the Ladakh stand-off
Australia plans to hike defence spending
NATO allies France and Turkey have had a row
Finland’s air force has discarded its old insignia
Germany has disbanded a special forces unit over right wing extremism

Daily Podcast | 01 July 2020

No word from India-China corps commanders meet
China passes an authoritarian security law for Hong Kong
Airbus to cut 15,000 jobs
Boeing suffers a 97 aircraft order cancellation
Rude morale patch gets US Navy aviators a scolding
Boris’s ride is back from the body shop